Well, I made it to my doctor's appointment this morning. 39 weeks and 3 days. He checked me out and I am neither dilated or effaced. He said I am closed and long...not what I wanted to hear! He said it will still be a few days so I'll probably make it to my due date.
Although, when my mom and I first figured out my due date way back in the beginning we thought it was the fourth, then we figured it down to the first or second, possibly the third. It actually helps me relax a little bit knowing that it's most likely not going to happen until the weekend. I know things can change, but that's my feeling.
My dad's guess is the 4th...anyone else on the same page?
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Well, my two guesses for dates have already passed, but I will predict - most confidently - that you are going to have a baby sometime QUITE SOON. Anybody with me on this?
I'm quite excited...and I guess I can wait, if I have to.
LOL! It's like when guessing the gender...it has to be one or the other! Same thing with it's arrival. It has got to come at some point in time!
I guess I can wait too...restlessly
I dropped by to thank you for taking the time to post your feelings about breakfast on my blog, and learned you're days away from motherhood.
May you and your baby enjoy happy breakfasts together for years to come.
Well I believe I guessed way back when that you would have the baby by August 3rd so hopefully I am right and he arrives tomorrow!!! (Though I also guessed that the baby would be a girl...oh well!) I wish that everything goes smoothly for you and that you get all the help you need. If I had access to a car I would totally have been up for keeping you company and watching movies all day 'sigh' maybe someday! You're going to be a wonderful mother, this little boy is lucky that he has a mother who can't wait for his arrival!
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