First things first, there is no baby yet. We are still awaiting his triumphant arrival! And let me say, he is welcome to make his appearance ANY TIME!! I am so tired and worn out...I just want him here! Both Dan and I are excited to meet him face-to-face and just hold him. I want to pinch his little cheeks and pat his little bum. I cannot believe how close it is - just 29 days! I am feeling prepared if he were to come today. The moment I bought a pack of newborn diapers I knew I was ready. Everything else is just waiting for him! I have all these cute little outfits that I look at every day but no little boy to wear them yet! "I will be patient" is my new mantra. LOL!
Secondly, we are all moved into our house! Well, all moved in as in all the boxes are here. We have done a lot of unpacking so far and have the main rooms all set up. My mom has been a HUGE help with that! I've been able to keep on top of doing all the dishes and stuff but she really helped me with unpacking the kitchen and the dining room. She's such a blessing! I love coming down in the morning and seeing my dining room, kitchen and living room all separate from each other. And they're tidy because everything has a place! It's not all crammed into a little apartment spot. Alfie is used to the house now. He's been pretty good about it. He LOVES his back yard which I am really glad we have for him now. Our next door neighbors have a little Pomeranian and a white Lab puppy so I can't really let Alfie out when they're there because he just goes insane! If he was on the other side of the fence with them he'd be scared crazy, but since he's in his territory all he does is bark at them like a mad dog. Hopefully that will change! All-in-all, though, we are just loving the house!
Last Saturday we had the memorial service for Cathy. It was a really nice service. My dad performed it and her Aunt Barb did the eulogy. It was short but very sweet. I don't like the idea of funerals being long...that's just too painful. Plus it was pretty hot that day and I was sweating like a pig! Afterwords we all went back to Peter's place and there were refreshments and great conversation. It was great to get to know Peter's family a little better. I have known Cathy's side of the family before I even knew Dan but the last time I had seen anyone from the other side was our wedding three years ago! Later that evening we went over to the hotel they were staying at and just spent time hanging out with them. What a fun group of people! They're planning to have a Wilson family reunion every year starting next summer. I hope it happens because I would LOVE that! I've always enjoyed family reunions. They don't happen enough!
Anywho, my battery on my laptop is dying so I'm going to sign off before it ends it's life. The cord is all the way downstairs and I will gladly admit that I am too lazy to go and get it! LOL! I'll leave you with a couple of pictures from Canada Day. We spent it in Ottawa with my parents and two of my brothers and we had a GREAT time! I am calling these my 36 weeks pictures. Enjoy!
You look awesome! I'm looking forward to patting that little baby's bum too!
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