Baby is definitely head down...and bum out! LOL! I had my appointment yesterday and all is good. Instead of my OB I had a resident. The hospital I am having my baby at is a teaching one connected with the university here in the city. She was really nice, though. When she was checking baby's position she said "yep, that definitely feels like a head down there!" I was very relieved! I figured it was because there's a lot more pressure on my ribs and lungs. And the bum has got to be forward because my stomach is kind of pointy and really hard.
I'm really excited because I get another ultrasound! I guess at my first one they noticed that the placenta was low and they just want to check and make sure that it has moved. If not then I would probably need a c-section. I really don't want that. I guess 99% of the time it moves up so I'm not too worried. Now there's just the decision of finding out the gender or not. Dan really wants to now but I'm still undecided. It's a big decision!!
One more exciting thing is I haven't gained any weight! Yay!! My weight was literally exactly the same as it was at the last appointment. At my last appointment all I had eaten was a granola bar before hand and at this one I had eaten a whole breakfast...hmmm. Either way, I am glad about that. I also had my gestational diabetes test so hopefully I won't be getting a call on that. I haven't yet!
So, my ultrasound is next Wednesday...I'll let you know what we decided to do!!
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