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Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Body

I am just amazed at my body right now. Things are literally constantly changing and I have no say in it. For awhile things pretty much stayed the same. For a couple months baby was growing but my system was fairly normal and I could still function just fine. Sadly, that seems to be changing.

First of all, I'm going through some insomnia phase. I hate it. I'm tired but I just can't sleep. Maybe there is a lot on my mind (work, baby, our move...) but it's not all in the forefront. A couple nights ago I woke up around 4am and was wide awake. I didn't really get back to sleep until 7ish. Last night I was awake every 45 minutes to an hour but slept really well in between. Tonight I laid down around 8, played some Yahtzee on my iPod but didn't really fall into a good sleep. I started to around 9:30 but woke up around 12 (feeling like it was more like 4) and couldn't get back to sleep. So here I am at 2:45am writing this post...sheesh! I hope this fades a little bit!

Secondly it is like attack of the heartburn right now! Maybe it's the way baby is positioned but it seems like no matter what I do or take (Gaviscon, Tums, water with lemon juice and baking soda) it never completely goes away. I'll eat fresh veggies and try to limit my starches (which gets harder and but it's just coming on more easily then usual.

Another thing is since baby is getting bigger it's actually starting to hurt sometimes when it moves. It'll push against my ribs or my sides and really hurt. And with it's changed position (head down) it's really changed my mobility. I'm pretty sure I'm starting to "waddle" some and if I'm on the couch and using the laptop on the coffee table (like I am now) I can't lean forward for too long. I have to take little breaks and lean back! LOL!

I'm just in awe of all the changes my body is naturally going through and how it's built to handle them. God really knew what he was doing when he created woman.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Doctor's Appointment

Baby is definitely head down...and bum out! LOL! I had my appointment yesterday and all is good. Instead of my OB I had a resident. The hospital I am having my baby at is a teaching one connected with the university here in the city. She was really nice, though. When she was checking baby's position she said "yep, that definitely feels like a head down there!" I was very relieved! I figured it was because there's a lot more pressure on my ribs and lungs. And the bum has got to be forward because my stomach is kind of pointy and really hard.

I'm really excited because I get another ultrasound! I guess at my first one they noticed that the placenta was low and they just want to check and make sure that it has moved. If not then I would probably need a c-section. I really don't want that. I guess 99% of the time it moves up so I'm not too worried. Now there's just the decision of finding out the gender or not. Dan really wants to now but I'm still undecided. It's a big decision!!

One more exciting thing is I haven't gained any weight! Yay!! My weight was literally exactly the same as it was at the last appointment. At my last appointment all I had eaten was a granola bar before hand and at this one I had eaten a whole breakfast...hmmm. Either way, I am glad about that. I also had my gestational diabetes test so hopefully I won't be getting a call on that. I haven't yet!

So, my ultrasound is next Wednesday...I'll let you know what we decided to do!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Baby Shower

So, next Sunday is my baby shower with the women from work plus some others. I'm actually really excited!! Almost more excited then I was for my wedding showers. I think the reason is it's more for baby than for me. These friends of mine are willing to get together and provide my child with clothes and toys and essentials to make life better for it. I feel so blessed already and it hasn't happened yet! I'll have to show you pictures and tell you all about it after it has happened.

On another note, here is a picture of what my baby is approximately at right now:

I'm pretty sure baby is now head down because I feel a lot more pressure on my ribs. And it feels like it's probably feet and not just a head. It can be rather annoying, especially while I'm sitting down. It makes it harder to breathe...that's NEVER fun! I'm feeling more and more anxious for baby to come. Not in a bad way, just ready to be done with pregnancy. I am enjoying it but I'm just kind of tired of it right now. The last couple of days I've had 2 hour naps!! And STILL slept through the night! I am also excited just to meet this little one!

10 weeks!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

30 Week Pictures

The other day in the grocery store I was getting my milk and a woman asked me if I was expecting. When I told her yes and that I am due August 1st she said "oh, well you're not very big!" Hahaha...I beg to differ. I feel HUGE!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Attack of the Daytime Sleepies

Well, I knew it was too good to be true. For the last three weeks I have had renewed energy and have been plowing through my lists of things to be done. I have been on top of keeping my apartment clean, I've been baking, cooking, and doing all the things that good wives do. Alas, it could not last. Yesterday was the return of the "sleepies" (as I like to call them.) Dan and I spent the day together on a date which was wonderful! We went mini-golfing (I won) and we treated ourselves to yummy chip truck food. Afterwords, I felt like I was going to slip into a coma. Not from the food, but just from pure tiredness.

So, yesterday I slept till almost 10:30, took a nap between 5:45 and 8pm, and proceeded to go to bed again around 10:30 and slept all night. I have a feeling my energetic streak is gone. I really hope I don't go through this for the next 10 weeks before baby comes. That would just be terrible. I only have three more weeks of work left and I want to have enough energy for that. There's also the packing and moving...need energy for that. There is also keeping this place clean in the mean time. Sheesh. Hopefully this sleepy phase will pass...soon!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Never Been Unloved

Never Been Unloved
by Michael W. Smith

I have been unfaithful
I have been unworthy
I have been unrighteous
And I have been unmerciful

I have been unreachable
I have been unteachable
I have been unwilling
And I've been undesirable

And sometimes I have been unwise
I've been undone by what I'm unsure of
But because of You
And all that You went through
I know that I have never been unloved

I have been unbroken
I have been unmended
I have been uneasy
And I've been unapproachable

I've been unemotional
I've been unexceptional
I've been undecided
And I have been unqualified

Unaware - I have been unfair
I've been unfit for blessings from above
But even I can see
The sacrifice You made for me
To show that I have never been unloved

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Doctor's Appointment

A few months ago my friend Twila recommended an obstetrician for me and I told my doctor that I would like to get him if I can. Am I glad I did!! He is great! He is so personable and friendly. He got my really excited about LBW coming (not that I wasn't before) and really helped me expand my knowledge on how safe Baby would be coming at different weeks before due date.

According to the scale I have gained 5 pounds, but I don't feel like I have. That's also comparing it to the scale at my doctor's office, so who knows the difference between the two. So, if I actually have put on five pounds (which is probably mostly from my belly) than I still haven't gained any actual weight this pregnancy! That is, I haven't YET. LOL! My urine was fine and my blood pressure was fine, too! I'm so thankful that everything has gone so smoothly with my pregnancy.

That said, it hasn't been perfect. My hip was hurting before I even went to work today. It went away for a bit, but not completely. It's this constant aching in my left hip and sometimes I feel almost like I'm limping a little bit when it's really bad. Luckily my doctor was more than willing to write me a note for shortened shifts at work. They didn't seem too thrilled with it but they can deal! This is my body and my pregnancy. I care about the well-being of my baby and that includes me taking care of myself. Now I don't have to work any more than a five hour shift at once...I'm so excited for that! Today I had to work a longer one because it was already scheduled and they couldn't change it, but that's okay. I can still work just fine, but nine hours is long even with a break. My hip just isn't up for it!

So, as LBW is getting bigger and bigger I am feeling it a lot more. I mean, pretty much all the time. Just little shifts and movements. I don't think it's always awake when it moves because the majority of us move in our sleep out of the womb. I woke up this morning and looked down at my belly to see it completely lopsided! The right side was raised a lot higher and it was harder, too! Later I laid down and looked at my belly and I could tell there was an arm or a leg sticking out because there was a little peak of sorts in the middle of my belly. How cool is that?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

How long till LBW is here?

So, I'm kind of sad that this Wednesday is my last prenatal class. I've actually been enjoying them! I haven't really struck up any friendships but it's been neat to see all these women grow over the last 5 weeks! And I'm so excited for all of them. For two of the women it is their second child, but for me and three others it is our first. I've learned a lot, too. I'll probably never see them again but I wish them all the best!

My hip is starting to bug me more and more each day. At the end of the day it is just killing me! I could barely walk straight last night. I was trying to do some dishes but every time I moved it hurt so Dan told me to stop and just relax. I really hope it doesn't get too bad. I'm worried it might. I only have 34 days of work left...that's all I need to get through. It might be tough, but I can do it! I have my first appointment with my obstetrician on Monday and I'm going to see if he can write me a note so I don't have to work any longer than 5 hours and to get a small break within that for rest. These 8-9 hour shifts are just aggravating my back and hip. And I'm super tired half way through. I like to think that I'm a pretty positive person despite, though. I hope the doctor will help me out!

I'll give you an update after my appointment!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

27 Weeks

The ticker says 27 weeks and 4 days, but I like to say that I'm in my 28th week (which I am.) So I am considering these my 28 week photos. Enjoy!

Side View

Semi-Front View

Monday, May 4, 2009


So...the peeing thing is getting worse. I was really glad that for the longest time I'd only have to get up once in the night or not at all! Well, those days are gone. I'm up at least twice, usually three times a night now just to pee. I get back to sleep pretty quickly but it's still a nuisance. I'm having a great dream, I'm sleeping soundly and then suddenly I'm awake and I just know I can't get back until I go to the bathroom. Maybe that's why I'm more tired during the days recently. I know that all-in-all it only takes up about a half hour of my night (10 minutes each time, including falling back asleep) but it's more the fact that it interrupts my deep R.E.M. I've been trying really hard to not drink too much in the evenings but that isn't making a difference. Baby is getting bigger and is pushing on my bladder so it can't hold as much at once. So, even if I have just half a small glass it will fill up quick. Sometimes I can feel Baby shifting and push on my bladder. I'll be perfectly fine and then suddenly I have to pee. Very frustrating!

I know that in the end Baby will be worth it and I'll probably blissfully forget about these things (at least for the first while) but right now it is driving me insane. It's not even just at night, though, it's getting worse throughout the day. At work I'm having to run to the bathroom more frequently but I'm getting really good at being super quick.


On another note Mom and Dad got to feel baby move yesterday! They stopped in to visit and have supper with us on their way through to pick up my brother from school (my baby brother is graduating college! *tear*) We always enjoy when they stop through. While they were here Baby couldn't seem to get comfortable so it was constantly moving around. It wasn't really "kicking" but just shifting around. My mom said she could feel an arm or leg when it was moving. When I look down at my belly it is pretty round, but it kind of leans to the right. Must be the way Baby is lying. It's funny how my belly can look quite round but if you feel it it's uneven. I think it will be kinda weird after Baby is born...I'll think I feel it move but realise it's not in there anymore! I'll get to actually watch it make the movements! Only 89 days!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Aches and Pains

So, it's three months to the day...92 days till Baby arrives. It still feels like a long ways off but I know it isn't, really. Right now I'm at a place where I'm not feeling anxious, but excited. I've gone through phases. For a bit I kept thinking about all the things we didn't have so far and if we were ever going to feel prepared. That was kind of pointless thinking. There is no use in worrying about that now. There is no use in worrying about it at all. Baby really doesn't need much in the beginning. As long as it has a place to sleep, diapers, food and a whole lot of lovin' it will be just fine.

I keep telling people that my pregnancy has been going really well and I haven't had any problems. I've been surprised at how my back hasn't really hurt because I had problems with it before I was even pregnant (especially sciatica.) Well, I spoke too soon. Every morning for the past week or so I wake up with a sore left hip. It hurts when I'm awake and it hurts when I sleep. It's only my left side, though. Yesterday at work my back was starting to really ache, too. I'm on my feet all day and for the most part I think that has helped stave off the back ache (and pounds!) Now it seems that it is catching up with me. Whenever I have to take the bus home from work my back just kills me when I sit down. At our prenatal class on Wednesday night (which was a really good, informative one) we have these plastic chairs and there were Obusform cushions that everyone was using to sit on. I took mine and used it for my back but by the time we got to break that and my bum were hurting me. So I stole one from an empty chair and placed one under me and behind me...much better! I felt like I was constantly shifting, though, because of my back and hip...grrrr. I was really hoping that I wasn't going to have this problem since things were going so well. Nine hour shifts are starting to feel longer and longer. Half way through I was feeling really sluggish. I have my appointment with my OBGYN in a couple of weeks and I'll see what he suggests. Only 42 more days of work...I can do this!

On a lighter note, I have two showers lined up! I'm extremely excited! I can't believe how much these people love me and are willing to do this for me! On May 31st I have one with the girls from work plus some other friends (mainly past co-workers) and on June 20th I have a family shower. I think now that I know these are happening it is making me feel less anxious about being prepared and having everything I need. Kelly, the girl I work with who is throwing the one shower, is so excited about it. She keeps asking me what I think and I tell her that it's her planning and I don't care! LOL! My bestfriend is throwing me a shower after Baby is born since this summer is going to be pretty busy as it is. I feel so terribly loved!

Only 43 more days until we move into our can't come fast enough!