Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Hustle and Bustle
Saturday, November 27, 2010
A Child's Christmas in Wales
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Mourning the Lost
Thursday, August 12, 2010
My Baby Boy is ONE!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Starting to Make Some Sense
Monday, June 28, 2010
Long Time No Talk
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Growing Up
So for now I am soaking up every day, every hour, every minute with my precious baby boy!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Day 2
Yesterday I got so much done and when I crawled in to bed last night I felt like it was a good, full day. I want more days like that. Last night was a hockey game so we said no TV until 7pm.
I'm thinking of leaving Paul with Dan and going for a walk. Just me alone with my iPod. I need it.
Oh - Paul played in sand for the first time yesterday! He didn't seem to like it at first but he got used to it. Luckily there was only one handful to the mouth...I guess it's a right of passage!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Mother's Day
He is my baby boy. I carried him in my womb for nine months. I was his life line. I provided nourishment to him; warmth and security. He is the perfect mix of Dan and me.
Yesterday Dan asked me if I cared if I got any gifts for Mother's Day or is going out for dinner okay. I told him I don't need anything. I am perfectly honest, too. I know some mothers would be furious if they didn't receive flowers, a card, a gift or all three! I am just looking forward to spending the day with my two favorite guys in the whole wide world. I couldn't ask for anything better. No gift can top that!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
*Insert Discontented Sigh Here*
I was so tired today. I didn't sleep well last night and Paul was up a couple times...I woke up just wishing I could sleep for 3 more hours! I pretty much did nothing. Honestly. The only thing I accomplished today was calling and setting up a time to see something from a Kijiji ad. Pitiful.
Does somebody want to come over here and slap me in the face? Maybe there is a weight loss group in our new church! I was part of one before at another church and I loved it - gave me so much motivation. If there isn't, maybe I can start one! Hmmm...did God just put that thought in my head? Maybe...just maybe.
On another note I might have a couple kids for daycare starting in June! The woman that cuts Dan's hair mentioned that she was moving into Kingston June 1st (she lives 25 mins away right now) and she needs daycare for her two boys who are 1 and 5! That would be perfect! Please pray about this for me because my Mat Leave is up at the end of May and we need this!
It's time for bed. Well, my book and then bed. I'm so glad I have found a way to incorporate reading back into my days - usually helps me sleep better. It's the best way to get things off your mind before falling asleep. Ah - reading! How I love thee!
Okay, seriously, time for bed.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
And Now For Something Completely Different
Seriously - I do.
I'm not talking little changes like "should I colour my hair?" or "let's try the bookcase over here," I mean big changes. Here are the things on my list:
1. Start running. I can't be a coward anymore. I want to do it so I just should.
2. Become a vegetarian/vegan. I may take a little longer giving up dairy, but for now I can at least cut out meat. There are some ugly truths about meat that I know yet I still continue to eat it. No more.
3. Cut out junk food. Only treat myself when I feel I truly deserve it (and that doesn't mean once a week.) I want to wait until I really, really want it and then maybe have something. It is doable.
4. Go through the boxes in the basement and only keep what we need. I can't be (too) sentimental otherwise I will get sucked into keeping too much. Not gonna happen.
5. Plan meals and stick to a grocery budget. I have done it before and I can do it again.
6. Less TV and computer and more family time. The weather is beautiful and we have a baby that is very flexible - we need to take advantage of it. Go for walks, go to the park, go for hikes - that is the reason we bought a back-pack carrier for Paul!
So, those are some of the changes I want - no, need - to make. Some of those may be small changes to others but for me they are big. I'm in need of a whole lifestyle change, really. I am also lucky to have a husband who feels the same way and is very supportive. Should I take advantage of that? Heck yes!
I don't intend to necessarily do every single thing at once, but work it all into my every day life. If I just take 10 minutes a day to do something like go through a box in the basement then that's one box taken care of. If I only check the 3 websites I usually do then close the computer and do the dishes then that is one less thing that is piled up at the end of the week! When I do senseless, mind-numbing things all day I also snack more (especially on junk) and I gain weight and don't want to get out to do things (low energy.) I need to fill my days so I'm not stuck in that vicious cycle.
I'll try and blog once a week to let you know how things are going.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
The Third Day
On The Third Day
Verse 1
Creation brings an offering,
As autumn leaves turn to gold,
The trees bow down in highest praise,
Now made bare before Your throne.
The western sky an amber blaze,
At the end of the day,
For everything must die to rise again.
Verse 2
The winter’s chill, a bitter cold,
As sin and shame leave us to fall,
The clouds now full of newborn snow,
For grace to come and save us all,
Within the darkest night of man,
Was found Your saving hand,
For everything must die to rise again.
Chorus 1
On the third day, behold the King,
On the third day, death has no sting,
On the third day, we’re forgiven and reconciled.
Verse 3
The earth it groans in labor pains,
As flowers stretch to heaven above,
Your creatures sing the prophet’s song,
To be a gift of selfless love.
The sun is rising in the east,
And Your spirit is unleashed,
For everything must die to rise again.
Verse 4
And so we wait in joyful hope,
For You to come and take us home,
And so we join beneath the cross,
In suffering from whence we go.
The greatest act of sovereign grace,
In the universe displayed,
For everything must die to rise again.
Chorus 2
On the third day, the saints rejoice,
On the third day, we lift our voice,
On the third day, united and glorified.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
A House Full of Sickos
It all started with Paul. He came down with a slight fever last Thursday night and was coughing more than usual throughout the day. His fever was gone within a couple hours and thankfully never returned. By Saturday, though, he was full fledged sick. He was coughing a deep, chesty cough and his nose was running a mile a minute! Our good friends Rachael and Ben came to stay for the weekend and despite Paul being sick we had a great time!
By Sunday night my throat was starting to hurt. I haven't been sick since before I was pregnant - at least a year and a half. By Tuesday I was super congested and starting to cough some. OH, and my upper jaw was killing me! Thursday I went to the doctor's and found out I have a sinus and right ear infection. Picked up antibiotics. The next morning I woke up and my left ear was hurting and completely plugged up. On top of it all I stopped being able to smell or taste anything by Monday night. Just today I was finally able to smell and taste again but it is still not completely back. It comes in waves. I'm starting to get a little better each day. My left ear is still plugged up but the antibiotics seem to be working their magic 'cause my jaw doesn't hurt as much.
Now onto Dan, he is starting to get worse! He's getting more congested and his throat is really bothering him. We've kind of crossed paths - lol! I hope that he doesn't get any worse. He doesn't seem to have an infection like I do, which is good. Paul is still congested and is coughing some but he has a doctor's appointment tomorrow anyway so we'll see if it's something worse or if it's just end of flu stuff.
So, this past week we have done nothing. And I pretty much mean it. Rachael and Ben left us the first few seasons of The Big Bang Theory so we have been enjoying those - twice through! Poor Paul lost me as his fun mommy for two or three days while I was just miserable. I had absolutely no energy and I found it taxing just doing the normal things with Paul. Thankfully Dan wasn't as sick and was a big help those days. He also helped out with the dishes which have piled up over the week. Now it's my turn with them - whoopee! Now we just need to get back to healthy for Easter this coming weekend! We're going to my parents and I really hope that things are pretty much back to normal! I'll be praying!
To end it all, because it's been a while since I updated, I'll leave you with a few pictures!

and the other day he started shuffling along on his little bum!
