My little 9 1/2 month old...almost 10 months! Where has the time gone? Just today my mom and I were saying that 10 months almost seems like a milestone. I joked that 10 months for a baby is like becoming a teenager when they're older! He'll no longer be in the single digits! He's standing up to everything and crawling (on all fours) like there's no tomorrow. Life may be busier but it's also more fun! As much as I would love for him to stay small forever I very much enjoy watching him learn and grow! It just amazes me!
So for now I am soaking up every day, every hour, every minute with my precious baby boy!
Helping mommy clean her closet
Fun in the playpen
Hanging out with mommy and daddy on the front porch
Oh yeah, Grandma's got a sweet spot all right! Looking forward to spreading some of the sweetness next week!
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