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Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I should be doing so many other things right now but instead I'm being lazy...or relaxing. Whatever you want to call it.

Dan is at work and we sent Paul to daycare for the day so I have had the house all to myself. I went back to bed about 9:45 and got up at 1:45 (with a little bathroom break in between...can't get away from those these days.) It was wonderful! The last time I had a day like this I felt guilty for relaxing 'cause I knew a lot needed to get done but Dan told me to just relax and do nothing so I did! I didn't even wait for him to tell me today.

So, I'm just catching up on some Glee I've missed (we don't have cable) and enjoying the birds chirping outside my open windows! I have less than two hours of "freedom" left so I should get going. My next post will probably be when baby girl is born - anxiously awaiting to share the good news!


LDH said...

We will look forward to hearing the good news too!

LDH said...

Jill Martha Catherine Wilson!
Congratulations Mom, Dad, and Grandparents!