I'm not content right now. I'm not happy with where I am at in my life. Don't get me wrong - I am happy - I am just frustrated with myself and my lack of motivation. I feel like I have no energy. If I eat better and exercise I will have the energy to do the things I want to accomplish but, I feel like I don't have the energy to jump start myself.
I was so tired today. I didn't sleep well last night and Paul was up a couple times...I woke up just wishing I could sleep for 3 more hours! I pretty much did nothing. Honestly. The only thing I accomplished today was calling and setting up a time to see something from a Kijiji ad. Pitiful.
Does somebody want to come over here and slap me in the face? Maybe there is a weight loss group in our new church! I was part of one before at another church and I loved it - gave me so much motivation. If there isn't, maybe I can start one! Hmmm...did God just put that thought in my head? Maybe...just maybe.
On another note I might have a couple kids for daycare starting in June! The woman that cuts Dan's hair mentioned that she was moving into Kingston June 1st (she lives 25 mins away right now) and she needs daycare for her two boys who are 1 and 5! That would be perfect! Please pray about this for me because my Mat Leave is up at the end of May and we need this!
It's time for bed. Well, my book and then bed. I'm so glad I have found a way to incorporate reading back into my days - usually helps me sleep better. It's the best way to get things off your mind before falling asleep. Ah - reading! How I love thee!
Okay, seriously, time for bed.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
I totally understand your frustrations. I've been there. But naming them is a good step in the right direction. Getting out to the mom's group and having a chance to chat with others who can relate to you will do you a world of good. You'll find that motivation to get moving. And celebrate the small steps, they count as much as big ones!!
It seems to me that you are experiencing the normal feelings of a healthy and intelligent young woman. The need to create and grow! Unless there is obsession or depression you should celebrate these feelings - they are what make us human, and what make us reach for the stars.
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