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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jill's Birth Story

Jill Martha Catherine Wilson
March 25, 2012
7 lbs 10 oz
20 in

I first woke up around 5 with what felt like gas pains/cramps.  I tried going to the bathroom but nothing was happening so I went back to bed.  I woke up again around 5:30 with the same feeling but nothing happened again.  So I laid in bed and decided to see what happened when I felt the pain again.  After a couple times I noticed it was more painful into my back and my stomach was tightening. 

About 6 I went to the guestroom and mentioned to my mom what I was feeling and that I thought it might be the start of contractions.  We went downstairs and starting timing them and pretty much right away they were coming about 4-6 minutes apart.  Since my labour with Paul was fairly fast we decided to go to the hospital right away.

They hooked me up to a monitor and checked for about 20 minutes to a half hour.  They said that I was about 3 cm but my cervix was still fairly thick and "floppy." My contractions were coming 4 1/2 min apart consistently and she said that I could go home and come back when they were coming 3 min consistently. 

So I went home for 4 hours and did some labouring in bed and walking around.  When I got up and started walking around they were beginning to come 2-3 minutes consistently and getting more intense.  We went back to the hospital and they checked/monitored me again and I was 5 cm/75% effaced but my contractions slowed down to about 6-7 minutes apart.  They were getting more intense, though, so they admitted me at 2:25 (that's what is on my bracelet.)

They gave me my antibiotics for GBS and then let me use a birthing ball to help bring her head down 'cause it was still pretty high.  I did that for about an hour and a half until they were so strong I started feeling some pressure to lightly push.  Also during that time I threw up in the bathroom and lost my mucous plug, but my water was still intact. 

At 3:55 the doctor checked me and I was at 7 cm.  The nurse said to me "let's see if we can get this baby out by 7!" She was hoping she'd get to be there when it happened before shift change.  I thought "it would be nice if she was born a half hour from now!" I was on the bed now and the contractions were coming about 1-2 minutes apart and getting really intense so I didn't want to move back to the ball.  I didn't have any pain relief and it wasn't long before I was writhing on the bed, almost in tears it hurt so bad.  I had been just breathing through the contractions but I was starting to groan a lot. 

Then my water broke during a contraction and she crowned right away.  There was a bit of meconium in the water so she called the doctor and everyone in right away.  I was telling the nurse that I HAD to push and she said "wait wait wait! Not yet!" So she checked me real fast and said that when I felt like I needed to to push.  In 4 pushes Jill was out crying away! I had 2nd degree tearing so it took time for them to stitch me up (same as with Paul.) About a half hour after she was born I was able to hold her.

So I guess my desire for her to be born within a half hour was reachable 'cause 25 minutes later she was born!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


She is here! Jill Martha Catherine Wilson arrived March 25th at 4:20 pm. She weighed 7 lbs, 10 oz and was 20 in long. And she is beautiful!

Jill at 5 days old

Proud big brother Paul

One big happy family

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I should be doing so many other things right now but instead I'm being lazy...or relaxing. Whatever you want to call it.

Dan is at work and we sent Paul to daycare for the day so I have had the house all to myself. I went back to bed about 9:45 and got up at 1:45 (with a little bathroom break in between...can't get away from those these days.) It was wonderful! The last time I had a day like this I felt guilty for relaxing 'cause I knew a lot needed to get done but Dan told me to just relax and do nothing so I did! I didn't even wait for him to tell me today.

So, I'm just catching up on some Glee I've missed (we don't have cable) and enjoying the birds chirping outside my open windows! I have less than two hours of "freedom" left so I should get going. My next post will probably be when baby girl is born - anxiously awaiting to share the good news!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

I'm still here...I promise! I'll give you a better update soon but for now I'll leave you a belly pic! 38 weeks and counting...