And I'm not at home. I am spending the week here in Ottawa with my parents. I surprised them by coming up a day early with Paul. So we've been here since Friday night and we're staying until next Sunday. It has been great so far! I got my chocolate peanut butter balls made as well as my tuna dip! I might make some gingerbread cookies later in the week but we'll see. There are already so many snacks for Christmas.
Paul has been doing well. He came down with another infection so he's on antibiotics. He also came down with a cold Saturday night but it already seems to be gone! It's really strange and not common for a baby to have infections like this (especially a boy) so I'm guessing they are going to have to do some tests to find out what is wrong. I hope it's nothing too serious. I would hate to see him go through so much. Please pray that it's something that can be fixed easily.
Dan quit his job at the credit union so he'll have to find something soon. I'm guessing it won't be till after Christmas, realistically. I have to admit that it is kinda nice because then he can relax and we can take as many days as we want to visit and enjoy the holidays. Still, a job is nice too!
I'm semi-excited for Christmas this year. Time is just flying by so fast! I got a bunch of shopping done early and then that kind of died off so now I have to finish this week. I'm hoping that I won't have to do any once I'm home next week so I can just focus on wrapping and preparing food. We're having Dan's dad stay over for Christmas this year at our house so I want to be prepared for that. I'm saying "semi-excited" partially because I'm feeling like it is going to be busy and Paul isn't at the age yet where he understands it at all so it's not exciting that way yet. There's a part of me that feels stressed about it and the joy of it all isn't quite seeping in. I know that come Christmas Eve I'm going to be excited. I'm not looking forward to Christmas day when I have to cook a whole meal by myself (turkey and all) and then clean it all up by myself. Honestly, are Dan and Peter really going to help? Probably not. I'll see what I can discuss with Dan ahead of time...maybe I can munipulate him into helping...LOL!
Anywho, that is my update for now. I might not get a chance to post again before Christmas but, I'll try!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago