I can't believe it's that many weeks left. I found out almost a month ago and it seems like I've been pregnant forever already! I think it'll start to go faster once I start showing. Plus it will be a huge relief to finally let work know...only a couple more weeks. I'm also excited for my first appointment! I'm hoping that I'll be able to hear the heartbeat. I've been reading that there's a chance I might not be able to hear it this early (depending on the position of the baby and the "padding" on my stomach...hahaha!) They said if not, definitely by week 14 I can! That's so exciting!
Right now I'm trying to make the best food choices. It's hard when barely anything sounds appealing, even healthy food. So far fresh veggies (which normally I LOVE) do not appeal to me at all! Once I start eating them, though, they taste really good. I haven't gained any weight yet, but I'm sure I will. I'm kind of bummed because in the last three months I've lost about 20 pounds and I've been so excited about it...then I got this news! LOL! Well, God's timing not mine, right?
So, I'm trucking along. I had to call in sick yesterday because my stomach was really churning, even after I ate (which usually makes me feel better), but so far I've only thrown up three times. I think I don't have it too bad. A friend of mine had to be on medication throughout her whole pregnancy for morning sickness because it was so bad...I am very thankful right now. I have one month left in my first trimester and boy will I be glad when it is over.
Another thing I've been dealing with is constant tiredness. I'm not always bone-tired, but it's there. The other night I slept for THIRTEEN HOURS and I was STILL tired the next day!! I guess I needed it! LOL. They say it'll go away in the second trimester and then return for the last...grrrreat! Right now I'm just looking forward to that little break!
Well, I'll stop rambling about it for now! I'll update you again in a couple weeks after my doctor's appointment!
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